PRO-FORM Physiotherapy

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Physiotherapy for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain—it’s an unwelcome companion that can disrupt our lives and hinder our activities. Whether it’s a sharp, stabbing sensation or a dull, persistent ache, its grip on our bodies can be debilitating. But don’t worry, for in this article, we’ll uncover its causes, debunk common myths, and equip you with actionable strategies for relief and prevention.

What is lower back pain? 

Lower back pain can be classified as pain or discomfort a person experiences in the lumbar spine area which is the lower part of the back. The lumbar spine is located between the ribs and the pelvis. Lower back pain is a common condition that affects a significant number of individuals at some point in their lives although more common in older adults. 

As this condition can compromise your mobility, physiotherapy for lower back pain is usually the most common form of treatment. However, depending on the cause of the pain, physiotherapy is supplemented with exercise, various types of hands-on treatment, stretching, pain medications and in some cases, surgery.

What does lower back pain feel like?

Lower back pain can vary in intensity, from mild and temporary discomfort to long-term, and debilitating pain that can make doing everyday tasks difficult. The feeling can often be linked to the underlying cause of the pain. This is why part of the diagnosis includes an assessment of where the source of the pain is to then guide a treatment plan for lower back pain. 

People struggling with lower back pain may feel one or many of the below symptoms: 

  • A nagging or constant pain in the lower back
  • A sharp stabbing pain in the lower right side of the buttocks
  • A burning pain in the lower back
  • Sudden severe pain in the lower back where they can’t move
  • Pain that starts in the lower back but radiates down to the legs

If you are someone experiencing any of the symptoms above, it’s important that you reach out to a health professional for a further diagnosis or chat to one of our team at Pro-Form Physiotherapy to discuss the best treatment options for you.

Experiencing lower back pain?
Consult with one of our trusted physios today!

Causes of Lower Back Pain in Adults

Lower back pain is never something to be endured. If you’re wondering how it originated or what is causing it, there are several
reasons for back pain including: 

  1. Muscle or ligament strain: This occurs when muscles or ligaments in the back are overused  or injured  due to sudden movements, lifting heavy objects, or poor movement  mechanics.


  2. Herniated or bulging discs: This occurs when the cushions between the vertebrae can bulge, pressing on nearby nerves and causing pain.


  3. Spinal stenosis: This refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal, which can increase pressure on the spinal cord and nerves causing lower back pain.


  4. Osteoarthritis: Also called degenerative joint disease, it refers to the gradual wear and tear of the joints and cartilage in the spine, leading to inflammation and pain.


  5. Scoliosis: This condition is the abnormal curvature of the spine. While it is most common in adolescents, scoliosis can cause imbalances and strain on the lower back as a person ages.


  6. Osteoporosis: This refers to the weakening of the bones and is often seen in older adults. Osteoporosis increases the likelihood of fractures in the spine, resulting in pain.


  7. Poor posture: Slouching, sitting for long periods, or improper lifting techniques can increase strain on the lower back causing a nagging or constant pain.


  8. Medical conditions: Conditions like kidney stones, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and infections are also known to cause lower back pain that translate as a sudden, severe or stabbing pain, or a burning sensation.

While these are some of the main reasons for back pain, it is important to consult with a trusted allied health professional if you are considering physiotherapy for lower back pain

At Pro-Form, we understand the complexities behind back pain conditions and have helped many people manage back pain symptoms over the years. Chat to one of our team to learn more on how we can help you on your recovery journey today.

Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain

best treatment for lower back pain depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Here are some commonly recommended treatments:

  1. Self-care and lifestyle modifications: Sometimes tiny lifestyle alterations such as changing the way you sit, walk or stand can help bring relief to your lower back. If your lower back pain is caused by an injury then taking time to rest and recover, avoiding activities that cause pain can also help prevent it from flaring up in the future.
  2. Physiotherapy for lower back pain: Considered one of the most effective treatments for lower back pain, a trained physiotherapist can guide you through some of the best lower back exercises and stretches to strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility, and alleviate pain. Alternative therapies such as chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga may offer relief for some individuals.
  3. Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers and NSAIDs can also help reduce pain and inflammation temporarily. In some cases, prescription medications or muscle relaxants may be necessary. Before taking medications of any sort, is it recommended to consult a physician who would be able to guide you through the right form of treatment based on your specific condition.
  4. Heat or cold therapy: If your lower back pain is caused by an injury or a muscle strain, applying heat or ice packs to the affected area can temporarily help alleviate pain and inflammation. A physiotherapist would be able to guide you on whether you need heat or ice for the muscle strain specific to your injury.
  5. Injections: Your doctor  may prescribe corticosteroid injections or nerve block injections to provide temporary relief for severe lower back pain.
  6. Surgery: In cases where non-surgical  treatments are not proving effective in reducing pain or when there is an underlying structural issue (e.g., herniated disc with severe nerve entrapment ), your doctor may recommend surgery as a last resort to treat the affected area. 
Experiencing lower back pain?
Consult with one of our trusted physios today!

Physiotherapy For Lower Back Pain

Physiotherapy is considered one of the
best treatments for lower back pain and plays a vital role in restoring mobility to the lower back. When you consult with Pro-Form physiotherapy for lower back pain symptoms, here is what an approach to treatment would look like:

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis: We may conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of the lower back pain. We look closely to assess factors such as posture, muscle strength, range of motion, and movement patterns to identify any imbalances or dysfunctions.


  2. Administer Pain Relief: We may then proceed to utilise various techniques to alleviate pain, such as manual therapy, including joint mobilisation, soft tissue mobilisation, dry needling and massage, to reduce muscle tension and improve flexibility. In some cases, we may also employ modalities like heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound to help manage pain.


  3. Exercise and Rehabilitation: Along with manual treatment, we may prescribe specific exercises tailored to your condition and goals. These exercises would aim to strengthen the muscles supporting the lower back, improve flexibility, and correct any imbalances or weaknesses. We may also incorporate core stabilisation exercises to help improve stability, posture and promote proper movement mechanics.


  4. Education and Posture Training: Not just treatment but education around anatomy and movement also forms an important part of physiotherapy for lower back pain. We take delight in educating you about ergonomics, body mechanics, and postural awareness. We provide guidance on how to maintain good posture during daily activities, including sitting, standing, lifting, and bending, to prevent further strain on the lower back.


  5. Functional Rehabilitation: We work closely with you to improve your ability to perform daily activities and functional movements. This may involve task-specific training, such as lifting techniques or body mechanics for work or sports-related activities, to reduce the risk of re-injury and promote safe movement patterns.


  6. Prevention and Maintenance: Lastly, we ensure to provide preventive measures and strategies to minimise the risk of future episodes of lower back pain. We take into consideration your lifestyle, risk factors and develop an individualised exercise program, and educate you on injury prevention techniques.

Physiotherapy aims to not only provide immediate pain relief but also address the root causes of lower back pain and enhance overall function and quality of life. 

At Pro-Form, our physiotherapists are not only qualified in treating several musculoskeletal conditions like lower back pain but also trained to equip you with the tools you need to move pain free for a lifetime. 

Chat to one of our physios today to learn more about how we can help you relieve lower back pain today!

Experiencing lower back pain?
Consult with one of our trusted physios today!

Frequently Asked Questions on Physiotherapy For Lower Back Pain

Determining the seriousness of lower back pain depends on factors like duration, intensity, location, associated symptoms, and medical history. Severe pain, pain radiating down the legs, numbness, weakness, or bladder/bowel problems could signal a serious issue. If in doubt, consult a healthcare professional, especially if the pain is persistent, affecting daily life, or follows an injury.

Lower back pain in females can be attributed to a range of factors. Menstrual cycles often bring about hormonal changes that may lead to discomfort. Pregnancy can strain the back due to weight gain and changes in posture. Conditions like endometriosis and uterine fibroids can cause pelvic and back pain. Gynecological issues, such as ovarian cysts, may also contribute. Lifestyle factors such as poor posture, inadequate exercise, and heavy lifting can exacerbate pain. It’s essential to consider these possibilities and seek medical evaluation for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment to alleviate or manage lower back pain effectively.

Lower back pain in males can result from multiple factors. Poor posture, muscle strain, and spinal injuries are common culprits. Engaging in heavy lifting or sudden, strenuous activities can trigger pain. Age-related conditions like herniated discs and degenerative disc disease also contribute. Certain medical conditions such as kidney stones, infections, or prostate issues might radiate pain to the lower back. If persistent or severe, consulting a healthcare professional can help identify the underlying cause and determine appropriate treatment options.

Lower back pain and sciatica have distinct characteristics. Lower back pain is a general discomfort in the lumbar area, often caused by muscle strain or poor posture. Sciatica, however, involves the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, causing pain that radiates from the lower back down the leg. Sciatic pain can be sharp, shooting, or tingling and typically affects one side. It may be accompanied by numbness, weakness, or difficulty moving the leg. While both conditions can be debilitating, sciatica’s leg involvement and specific nerve-related symptoms set it apart from regular lower back pain. If unsure, consulting a healthcare professional is advised.

Consider getting a scan for your lower back pain if it’s severe, persistent, or accompanied by symptoms like numbness, weakness, or incontinence. However, scans are usually not the first step. Start with a medical consultation. A healthcare professional can assess your situation, recommend appropriate steps, and determine if imaging like an X-ray or MRI is necessary to diagnose the underlying cause accurately.

If you’re experiencing lower back pain, start with self-care: rest, avoid heavy lifting, and practice gentle stretches. Over-the-counter pain relievers may help. Pay attention to your posture and avoid prolonged sitting. If the pain persists beyond a few days, worsens, or is accompanied by leg pain, numbness, or other concerning symptoms, consider consulting a healthcare professional. They can assess your situation, provide personalized advice, and recommend appropriate treatments. Remember, seeking medical guidance ensures an accurate diagnosis and a tailored approach to managing your lower back pain effectively.

Experiencing lower back pain?
Consult with one of our trusted physios today!

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