PRO-FORM Physiotherapy

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy – Is It Normal?

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Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Leg cramps during pregnancy are a common complaint among many expectant mothers, and can be quite uncomfortable. In general, leg pain in pregnancy is experienced by many women, with the second and third trimesters being the most common periods. However, leg pain in first trimester can also occur. In addition to leg cramps, foot cramps in pregnancy are also common. This blog will provide helpful tips on how to manage and prevent leg cramps, including home remedies that can provide relief.

Types of Leg Cramps During Pregnancy and Their Causes

Did you know 50% of women experience leg cramps during pregnancy? It is usually caused by an involuntary muscle contraction which can affect your calf, foot or simultaneously both. These most likely will strike during the night. 

They are caused by several factors, some of which are beyond our control. These include: 

  • Increased hormone levels 
  • Changes in blood circulation 
  • Weight gain due to gestation
  • Pressure from the growing baby. 

However, there are also factors that can be managed, such as dehydration, fatigue and diet. 

Should I Be Worried About Leg Cramps During Pregnancy?

There is no need to be concerned, leg pain in first trimester can be a shock especially if this baby is your first. If your pain doesn’t go away, your leg is warm, red or swollen it is advised to seek medical assistance. If your cramps are bothering you although no other red flag symptoms are present, it is recommended to seek advice from an allied health professional who will be able to help you manage the pain.

Home Remedies For Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Leg cramps when pregnant are quite common but they don’t have to be something that you simply have to endure until delivery day – there are several home remedies for leg cramps during pregnancy that you can do now as well as after delivery in order to help manage leg cramping issues throughout your entire pregnancy journey! 

1. Get some exercise in

One of the most effective methods is to engage in low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming, which can help strengthen leg muscles and reduce tension. Stretching exercises designed specifically for pregnant women can also help keep the muscles loose and relaxed, or even prepare you for easier labour!

2. Get enough rest

Getting enough rest is also crucial for managing leg pain in pregnancy. Expectant mothers should aim for at least eight hours of sleep each night to allow their bodies to recover from working extra hard to create your little human. Avoiding long periods of sitting or standing can also help reduce stiffness and fatigue in the legs throughout the day.

3. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help keep the body hydrated and reduce muscle tension caused by dehydration.

4. Eat a balanced diet

Ensure you have a nutritious diet throughout your pregnancy. An excess of phosphorus and a shortage of calcium or magnesium can increase cramps, therefore looking into taking a magnesium supplement or simply adding foods with high magnesium content (e.g. can help alleviate pains).

5. Get a massage

Massaging the the affected muscles either by self-techniques or with a massage therapist can assist in reducing muscle tension.

6. Heat therapy

Depending on the severity and type of pain, applying heat or ice for muscle strains usually help bring relief. In this case, applying heat therapy to areas of pain can help bring relief from leg or foot cramps in pregnancy. This can be doing by having a nice relaxing bath, using a heat pack or even a warm towel.

7. Wear supportive shoes

Supportive shoes can help decrease pain caused by changes in weight and pressure exerted due to pregnancy. Your center of gravity shifts which can alter your posture and gait. Moreover, if you have diabetes, it is important to consult a podiatrist to determine if you might be at the risk of any diabetic foot problems that might need to you to take special care in choosing the right shoes for you. 

8. Wear compression socks

Compression of the blood vessels in your legs can also provide relief, which can be done by simply wearing compression socks. These are great to wear to sleep if your legs ache at night.

To optimize the effectiveness of remedies for leg cramps during pregnancy, it is highly recommended to personalize them to your specific needs. This involves obtaining proper guidance on the correct form for exercises and learning techniques that can be adjusted as your bump grows. By tailoring these remedies to you, you can ensure that you are taking the necessary steps to alleviate cramps and promote overall comfort during pregnancy. 

Pro-Form Physiotherapy is a physiotherapy and allied health clinic with five locations in Sydney specialising in injury, movement, rehabilitation programs and women’s health services to help you move pain free. Experiencing leg cramps during pregnancy? Consult with a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist who can provide more targeted advice based on your individual situation. Book your first appointment today!

Experiencing leg cramps during pregnancy?
Consult with one of our trusted physios today!

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